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Advanced Power Arm Rimworld


With the Royalty DLC, power claws can be crafted at a Machining table once the Specialized limbs research project has been completed. Note that this research requires a techprint. They require 40 Steel, 8 Components, 15,000 ticks (4.17 mins) of work, and a Crafting skill of 5.

advanced power arm rimworld

Power claws replace the user's organic hand, including the fingers. They are universal and can be installed on either the left or right. The power claw has a part efficiency of 100%. This fully replaces the functionality of a normal hand but provides no enhancement - when coupled with the hand body part having a Manipulation importance of 50%, it results in an increase in manipulation of up to 50% when replacing a missing or totally inoperable hand. Manipulation, in turn, affects a great many stats. For a full list of affected stats, see Manipulation

A power claw replaces the natural "Fist" attack of the replaced hand with a significantly more powerful Scratch attack. When social fighting, colonists will not use the power claw to attack their opponent.

A power claw can only be installed on a natural arm. It cannot be installed on artificial body parts that replace the entire arm, such as the bionic arm, and will cause the removal of any parts installed into the hand, such as the hand talon . It also will replace or be replaced by any other part that replaces the hand, such as the field hand . If a power claw is installed on an arm which then gets replaced with an artificial arm, the claw will be removed for later reuse.

The power claw has the highest damage, AP, and DPS of all artificial body parts, and is as a moderately powerful melee weapon in its own right - attacking 25% faster than a normal steel longsword, but with otherwise equivalent stats, and producing a DPS competitive with a normal plasteel longsword. Additionally, like all body part weapons, a pawn can be equipped with both a power claw and a ranged weapon. However, there are a variety of ramifications from its use that limit its utility, depending on what it is compared to.

Compared to actual melee weapon, a power claw acquired through trade or quest reward shines in the early game before Smithing and/or Long blades have been researched, or before high quality crafters and materials like uranium and plasteel become common. However, this lifespan is limited by the claw's lack of Quality multipliers. Crafted melee weapons of the right material quickly begin to outshine the power claw's attack in the midgame. More importantly, unlike the claw, those weapons can be used with bionic and archotech arms which increase Manipulation and Melee Hit Chance and don't decrease Moving and Melee Dodge Chance. Thus, a melee pawn armed with only an equivalent melee weapon can still be superior to one armed with a power claw.

Compared to other body part weapons, there are different considerations. All such weapons fall into the same issue of being replaced by high quality, good material melee weapons. Instead, they typically act as sidearms for ranged fighters so that they don't have to rely on their using their ranged weapon's mediocre melee attacks should they or the enemy close. In this role, the power claw is a serious contender as the most powerful of any such weapon. Only the hand talon provides comparable DPS, but does so with less than half the AP. The power claw remains incompatible with other hand and arm bionics however, and depending on the non-combat role of the pawn, other options may offer a way to increase both the melee potential and work output of pawns that the power claw does not. For example, the knee spike is compatible with all hand and arm, but not leg, bionics, and the elbow blade which is compatible with hand and leg, but not arm, bionics. And in return, they lose approximately 20% of their DPS compared to the power claw. For example, a ranged-fighting planter will perform significantly better with two field hands and bionic legs and is fully compatible with the elbow blade, but not the power claw. The loss of DPS in the rare instances that they close is likely acceptable.

The moving penalty offered by the power claw also negatively affects some comparisons as well. While likely not relevant on a researcher who sits all day, planter or hauler who spends a significant proportion of their time walking to their tasks will be have their work rate significantly reduced.

Slaves represent a unique use case for body part weapons. As melee weapons increase chance of rebellions, arming slaves is often inadvisable, but combat slaves can be very useful. Body part weapons do not have this downside - while they are still more dangerous when they do rebel, slaves implanted with these weapons are no more likely to rebel in the first place. The easy acquisition and disposable nature of slaves also means that the power claw's inferiority to dedicate melee weapons is also less relevant.

Finally there is the use as a prosthesis. Despite primarily being a weapon, the power claw does fully replace the functionality of a damaged or missing hand. If a power claw is available, but a bionic or archotech arm is not, or are otherwise contraindicated, such as on a pawn that will eventually host a currently unavailable field hand, they are a useful and low cost way to regain full capability. The penalty to moving must be considered however.

The artificial part is merely a replacement and offers no advantage over a natural one. The prosthetics and bionics fill out parts omitted from the base game. Prosthetics give 80% part efficiency, bionics give 125% part efficiency and most archotech give 150% efficiency, all of them are comparable to items in the base game. The power arm I added to make the power claw viable for people who no longer have a shoulder.

Ordinarily a power claw can only be attached to a hand, if the shoulder is removed or lost it can no longer be installed. The power arm is a bionic arm with a power claw attached. It is as efficient as a bionic arm (125% efficiency) that deals the same damage as a power claw. It is made using a bionic arm, a power claw and some advanced components.

The lieutenant had drawn his laser pistol and the purple beam slashed across the darkness, power-wasting and desperate. Some hapless night-flying creature caught by the sword of lethal light exploded smokily. 2ff7e9595c

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