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Cedesktop.exe Wince 6 Download: Discover the Benefits of Windows CE for Your Business

I assume that you're working with a "Smart Device CAB Project"? I don't think this project creates shortcuts in the correct manner for Windows CE 4.2. I think you can download an SDK from Microsoft that after installation will show you something like "Windows CE CAB Project" as a project option.

Like downloading, debugging can occur over an Ethernet connection. It can also occur over the serial port. We'll choose the latter because it is easy to set up and use. A simple serial cable (not null modem) will do the trick. You can improve the debugger throughput by increasing the speed at which the debugger and target platform communicate over the serial port. On the workstation, select Build Debugger Remote Connection to view the Remote Connection dialog box. In the Connection list box, you must select Kernel Debugger Port and then click on Settings... (see Figure 3.12).

Cedesktop.exe Wince 6 Download

You can request Loadcepc to use the serial port to download the binary image, provided that you set up CESH to do the same on the workstation. In this case, you specify the /Q option. The COM port to be used by Loadcepc is identified with an additional option, /C: 2.

CESH is more than just a downloading utility. It is called the Windows CE Debug Shell Tool for a reason. After the download is over, CESH gives you a command prompt. You can type in a variety of commands at the prompt to get useful information from the kernel running on the target platform. Typing "?" retrieves a list of all the commands supported by CESH (see Table 3.4).

I have an ARM board with a Cirrus EDB9302 processor. I have downloaded their BSP for platform builder 6.0 and it compiles fine (in VS2005 with platform builder 6.0) )and provides the correct output files etc. In the project properties I enable KTL and the kernel debugger and I also select debug mode as opposed to release for the build type. Everything seems to build fine - no errors etc. I can install the generated eboot loader onto the board through an application that came from Cirrus.My problem is that under the target/connectivity options menu it does not show any options for download/transport/debugger. It just has "None" in all three boxes. I know I should get an option for ethernet in transport at least along with some other options. What has gone wrong here? Is it because this is the evaluation platform builder? I am running Visual Studio 2005 professional edition. Do I need to uninstall Active Sync perhaps? I've already tried shutting it down and running multiple instances of VS2005. There must be a setting I have missed somewhere.Anyones help would be much appreciated.Thank you

Thanks for your replies - much appreciated.I am out of town at the moment Gary so I cannot verify that I have included corecon in the build so I will need to do that and get back to you.In response to Dean I am building the standard Cirrus EDB9302 BSP (no mods) it does not give me any options in the target/connectivity options menu but I think it should because in the readme doc that comes with it it says that after the build and the download of the bootloader I should then connect to the device using VS2005 and download the nk.nb0 (I think they even give pictures of the target/connectivity options menu showing the options I should have but don't). This would be silly of them if they hadn't given me a build that would be able to do that (ie missing corecon if Gary is right).I haven't tried deleting all the named devices but I have tried creating my own new ones - but still the same effect - "None" is the only option in all the drop down boxes which is the case with the default "CE Device" which I presume is the one I should be using.What are you thoughts on Active Sync (on my PC) perhaps interferring in this process? Seems unlikely to me. I have been using it to connect to a PDA to develop some code recently.I think it might be time for a reinstall of platform builder and/or VS2005 after checking the corecon thing...Cheers,Bevan

After trying lots of various things I ended up just biting the bullet and reinstalling Visual Studio and CE Platform Builder and it now works. I was trying to avoid reinstalling platform builder as it is a massive download so thank goodness it now works. I tried deleting the folder that Yan suggested and it did nothing.Therefore I must conclude that something got corrupted either at or soon after the first install a couple of weeks or so ago of Platform Builder (unless it was something in Visual Studio itself from before).I'm looking forward to being able to finally play with the embedded ARM board I've had for a while now.Cheers,Bevan

Well I thought everything was going... I have spent the last day battling through issues and have almost got it sorted. The stage I am at now is that I can succesfully build an OS in platform builder CE 6.0, download it through eboot to the board. I can then use KITL ethernet transport and Kdstub debugging. I can access Remote Tools fine and check out various things on the board.Then came the connecting to VS2005 for managed application development in C#. After several hours I discovered the need to have the have ConmanClient2.exe and CMAccept.exe up and running on the board which I achieved through including them in the build (with CEFileWiz) and then manually starting them once things are booted up. I need to do this since I don't have activesync going on the Target Board. This also corresponded with me having to reinstall Active Sync. I can successfully connect with Visual Studio 2005 (SP1) "Connect to Device" and Remote Tools works fine from here too. The problem I have is that after a build and Deploy or Debug, the application "ConsoleApplication.exe" does not actually arrive over on the board as well as edb.exe and whatever else it needs from the debug folder. I can get around the extra debug files by including them in the build but that doesn't fix the problem of the actual build file not being transfered across to the target. With my previous activesync debugging experience the process of getting the program over to the target happened automatically so I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything fundamentally wrong with clicking the right buttons so to speak. There must be something else I have overlooked - either in the OS build with regard to accepting new files outside the OS image into RAM or a setting in VS2005. Your help in this issue would be appreciated. I could have posted this to the Application Development thread but I'll see what you or anyone else thinks first.

A final feature that was added to CE 6.0 security is support for a secure boot loader. This feature ensures that downloaded operating system (NK.BIN) images contain valid digital signatures before allowing the OS images to be installed and run on a system.

With CE 6.0, Microsoft continues a program that began with Windows CE 3.0-the shared source program. Taking a cue from the open source movement, Microsoft began by making available a significant portion of the source code for Windows CE to anyone willing to download the Evaluation edition of the Windows CE Platform Builder.

Once you have downloaded CeOpener, you must rename the executable to AppMain.exe. Next, make a zero-byte dummy file named Index.bin and place it next to the executable. App's that you need to add to the Brain must each be contained in a folder named identically to the app itself, and copied into a folder named APULI located at the root of a micro SD card (APULI are three Japanese Katakana characters, literally meaning 'applications').

We purchased Plugable-branded USB to VGA video adapters in order to power the second monitor. These devices are supposedly run off of DisplayLink drivers. I downloaded the Windows XP driver since CE looks most like XP. When I attempt to run the .exe nothing happens at all. Upon looking in support forums all over Google it became known that Windows CE does not work with .exe files; they must be .cab (Is this correct information??)

00:18 - SetWINCERoot00:52 - BSP installation01:12 - BSP structure02:10 - OS Design Build Configurations03:30 - BSP Catalog06:30 - Change board and make catalog selections07:58 - Board specific header file09:28 - Reducing size of kernel image11:27 - Processor specific catalog items11:48 - Configuring hive-based registry and TexFAT12:05 - Enabling & configuring High Assurance Boot12:20 - Generating HAB certificates and keys14:15 - Building the OS Design to generate HAB signed bootloader and kernel images14:32 - Building a bootloader for the NXP Manufacturing Tool15:00 - Configuring the NXP Manufacturing Tool16:25 - Flashing the bootloader to SPI NOR Flash using Visual Studio16:57 - Stopping Windows Mobile Device Connectivity services to allow download and debug over USB Serial17:30 - Using CEWriter to flash bootloader, kernel and splash images to an SD card18:58 - Configuring the bootloader19:13 ---- Setting up the primary display19:23 ---- Setting up the secondary display19:29 ---- Setting up mirroring of the primary display on the secondary display19:35 ---- Configuring Ethernet19:48 - Checking HAB and burning fuses21:31 - Booting to the CE desktop on a Nitrogen6X board22:08 - Pocket CMD over UART (CLI, Command Line Interface)22:15 - Included utilities23:18 - CE Remote Desktop23:52 - Switching between WEC7 and WEC201324:28 - Tiny OS Design (small headless configuration)24:45 - Production Quality TEMPLATE driver, SDK and application code25:50 - Configure the bootloader for download and KITL debug over USB Serial26:56 - Setting breakpoints in driver source27:12 - Preparing Visual Studio for driver debug and development27:48 - Inspecting variable at runtime28:18 - Unloading, modifying, rebuilding and loading drivers at runtime, without having to rebuild and download the entire kernel image 2ff7e9595c

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