Unitrends Recovery Series all-in-one appliances combine software, storage, and compute into one box for easy-to-manage backup with built-in cloud integration. The Recovery 9060S backup appliance is a 2U rackmount unit with 60 TBs of storage, well suited for enterprises with a large data footprint as well as a replicated branch of a large business.
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Unitrends Recovery Series all-in-one appliances combine software, storage, and compute into one box for easy-to-manage backup with built-in cloud integration. The Recovery 9080S backup appliance is a 2U rackmount unit with 80 TBs of storage, well suited for enterprises with a large data footprint as well as a replicated branch of a large business.
Unitrends Recovery Series all-in-one appliances combine software, storage, and compute into one box for easy-to-manage backup with built-in cloud integration. The Recovery 9100S backup appliance is a 2U rackmount unit with 100 TBs of storage, well suited for enterprises with a large data footprint as well as a replicated branch of a large business.
Unitrends Recovery Series all-in-one appliances combine software, storage, and compute into one box for easy-to-manage backup with built-in cloud integration. The Recovery 9120S backup appliance is a 2U rackmount unit with 120 TBs of storage, well suited for enterprises with a large data footprint as well as a replicated branch of a large business.
As an innovative enterprise backup solution provider, Vinchin brings the simplicity of dataprotection without compromising powerful functionality for VMware and Hyper-V users.The free edition of Vinchin Backup & Recovery can support up to 3 VMs with the most essentialyet efficient backup and restore features contained:
If your virtual environment is relatively small, you can download Vinchin Backup & RecoveryFREE edition to get simplified data protection quickly started.In addition to the free edition, you can also experience their commercial editions which haveunlocked a lot of advanced features like backup and restore of databases in both physical serversand virtual machines, offsite DR, cloud DR, cross-platform recovery, etc.., free trial for 60 Days,for more information, you can visit www.vinchin.com.
Vprotect is a backup and snapshot management tool for VMs and or containers running in virtual environments and any applications which allows being automated via scripts. It has easy to use management interface which makes setup quick and easy. The product is quite unique. It supports most virtual environment platforms. In the cloud, it supports Amazon EC2. For containers, it supports PROXMOX; Openshift, and Kubernetes. It supports VMware, NUTANIX, MS Hyper-V, RHV. XCP-NG, oVirt, Oracle Linux VM, Citrix Xen server, OpenStack, KVM. It also supports backing up applications such as hypervisor configuration, databases, and application data and configuration. In addition, for backup destinations, it supports File System and all standard protocols, Data FDomain Boost, ExaGrid, Neverfail HybridStor, Catalogic DPX, CDO, GlusterFS, CephFS. For Object storage, it supports ceph, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud., Scality. Google Cloud Storage, S3, and Swift. I also support AVAMAR, DELL EMC, IBM Spectrum Protect, and Veritas NetBackup for enterprise backup providers.
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